# | String | File and lines |
48 | CurrentValue | main.lang (203 - Current value) (625 - Current Value) |
11 | Browser | admin.lang (939 - Browser) main.lang (646 - Browser) |
26 | Events | agenda.lang (12 - Events) main.lang (799 - Events) |
47 | NewObject | main.lang (201 - New %s) modulebuilder.lang (8 - New object) |
49 | MulticurrencyPaymentAmount | main.lang (337 - Payment amount, original currency) multicurrency.lang (19 - Payment amount, original currency) |
4 | InternalUser | admin.lang (46 - Internal user) users.lang (65 - Internal user) |
5 | NoticePeriod | admin.lang (247 - Notice period) holiday.lang (90 - Notice period) |
6 | String | admin.lang (376 - String) members.lang (98 - String) |
7 | Int | admin.lang (378 - Integer) members.lang (100 - Int) |
8 | DateAndTime | admin.lang (380 - Date and hour) members.lang (101 - Date and time) |
9 | Field | admin.lang (447 - Field) blockedlog.lang (2 - Field) exports.lang (60 - Field) |
10 | Upgrade | admin.lang (928 - Upgrade) install.lang (100 - Upgrade) |
12 | Server | admin.lang (940 - Server) install.lang (46 - Server) |
13 | DatabaseServer | admin.lang (942 - Database host) install.lang (49 - Database server) |
14 | DatabaseName | admin.lang (943 - Database name) install.lang (50 - Database name) |
15 | DriverType | admin.lang (951 - Driver type) install.lang (45 - Driver type) |
16 | CompanyName | admin.lang (972 - Name) companies.lang (26 - Company name) |
17 | CreditNote | admin.lang (1173 - Credit note) bills.lang (271 - Credit note) |
18 | CreditNotes | admin.lang (1174 - Credit notes) bills.lang (272 - Credit notes) |
19 | WithdrawalsSetup | admin.lang (1422 - Setup of module Direct debit payment orders) withdrawals.lang (22 - Direct debit payment setup) |
20 | Buy | admin.lang (1506 - Buy) products.lang (45 - Purchases) |
21 | Sell | admin.lang (1507 - Sell) products.lang (44 - Sales) |
22 | AccountancyCode | admin.lang (1510 - Accountancy Code) companies.lang (289 - Accounting account) |
23 | CashDesk | admin.lang (1532 - Point of sales) cashdesk.lang (3 - Point of sale) |
24 | ByDefaultInList | admin.lang (1669 - Show by default on list view) categories.lang (87 - By default in list) |
1 | LineId | accountancy.lang (105 - Id line) exports.lang (41 - Id of line) |
2 | CustomerInvoicePayment | accountancy.lang (171 - Payment of invoice customer) banks.lang (95 - Customer payment) |
3 | Nature | accountancy.lang (223 - Nature) members.lang (155 - Nature) products.lang (157 - Nature) |
25 | AffectedTo | agenda.lang (10 - Assigned to) projects.lang (100 - Allocated to) |
27 | Location | agenda.lang (15 - Location) stocks.lang (28 - Location) |
28 | InterventionSentByEMail | agenda.lang (74 - Intervention %s sent by EMail) interventions.lang (39 - Intervention %s sent by EMail) |
29 | IBAN | banks.lang (29 - IBAN number) bills.lang (396 - IBAN) |
30 | BIC | banks.lang (30 - BIC/SWIFT number) bills.lang (397 - BIC/SWIFT) |
31 | StandingOrders | banks.lang (35 - Direct Debit orders) bills.lang (218 - Direct debit orders) withdrawals.lang (4 - Direct debit payment orders) |
32 | StandingOrder | banks.lang (36 - Direct debit order) bills.lang (219 - Direct debit order) withdrawals.lang (5 - Direct debit payment order) |
33 | Account | banks.lang (61 - Account) compta.lang (15 - Account) |
34 | SubscriptionPayment | banks.lang (97 - Subscription payment) members.lang (139 - Subscription payment) |
35 | Payments | bills.lang (60 - Payments) compta.lang (79 - Payments) |
36 | InvoiceRef | bills.lang (295 - Invoice ref.) compta.lang (187 - Invoice ref.) |
37 | NoSupplierOrder | boxes.lang (67 - No recorded supplier order) orders.lang (77 - No supplier order) |
38 | ShowCompany | cashdesk.lang (29 - Show company) companies.lang (305 - Show third party) |
39 | Customer | commercial.lang (4 - Customer) companies.lang (261 - Customer) |
40 | Prospect | commercial.lang (6 - Prospect) companies.lang (259 - Prospect) propal.lang (12 - Prospect) |
41 | ToPay | compta.lang (62 - To pay) paybox.lang (14 - Do payment) |
42 | ContractStatusClosed | contracts.lang (9 - Closed) products.lang (71 - Closed) |
43 | ExportsArea | exports.lang (2 - Exports area) other.lang (222 - Exports area) |
44 | ExportableDatas | exports.lang (6 - Exportable dataset) other.lang (226 - Exportable data) |
45 | AvailableFormats | exports.lang (27 - Available formats) other.lang (223 - Available formats) |
46 | CreateUser | install.lang (56 - Create owner or grant him permission on database) users.lang (29 - Create user) |
50 | OrderDate | orders.lang (9 - Order date) suppliers.lang (9 - Order date) |
51 | FollowingUrlAreAvailableToMakePayments | paybox.lang (4 - Following URLs are available to offer a page to a customer to make a payment on Dolibarr objects) stripe.lang (5 - Following URLs are available to offer a page to a customer to make a payment on Dolibarr objects) |
52 | PaymentForm | paybox.lang (5 - Payment form) stripe.lang (6 - Payment form) |
53 | WelcomeOnPaymentPage | paybox.lang (6 - Welcome on our online payment service) stripe.lang (7 - Welcome on our online payment service) |
54 | ThisScreenAllowsYouToPay | paybox.lang (7 - This screen allow you to make an online payment to %s.) stripe.lang (8 - This screen allow you to make an online payment to %s.) |
55 | ThisIsInformationOnPayment | paybox.lang (8 - This is information on payment to do) stripe.lang (9 - This is information on payment to do) |
56 | ToComplete | paybox.lang (9 - To complete) stripe.lang (10 - To complete) |
57 | YourEMail | paybox.lang (10 - Email to receive payment confirmation) stripe.lang (11 - Email to receive payment confirmation) |
58 | Creditor | paybox.lang (11 - Creditor) stripe.lang (13 - Creditor) |
59 | PaymentCode | paybox.lang (12 - Payment code) stripe.lang (14 - Payment code) |
60 | Continue | paybox.lang (16 - Next) stripe.lang (17 - Next) |
61 | ToOfferALinkForOnlinePayment | paybox.lang (17 - URL for %s payment) stripe.lang (18 - URL for %s payment) |
62 | ToOfferALinkForOnlinePaymentOnOrder | paybox.lang (18 - URL to offer a %s online payment user interface for a customer order) stripe.lang (19 - URL to offer a %s online payment user interface for a customer order) |
63 | ToOfferALinkForOnlinePaymentOnInvoice | paybox.lang (19 - URL to offer a %s online payment user interface for a customer invoice) stripe.lang (20 - URL to offer a %s online payment user interface for a customer invoice) |
64 | ToOfferALinkForOnlinePaymentOnContractLine | paybox.lang (20 - URL to offer a %s online payment user interface for a contract line) stripe.lang (21 - URL to offer a %s online payment user interface for a contract line) |
65 | ToOfferALinkForOnlinePaymentOnFreeAmount | paybox.lang (21 - URL to offer a %s online payment user interface for a free amount) stripe.lang (22 - URL to offer a %s online payment user interface for a free amount) |
66 | ToOfferALinkForOnlinePaymentOnMemberSubscription | paybox.lang (22 - URL to offer a %s online payment user interface for a member subscription) stripe.lang (23 - URL to offer a %s online payment user interface for a member subscription) |
67 | YouCanAddTagOnUrl | paybox.lang (23 - You can also add url parameter <b>&tag) stripe.lang (24 - You can also add url parameter <b>&tag) |
68 | YourPaymentHasBeenRecorded | paybox.lang (25 - This page confirms that your payment has been recorded. Thank you.) stripe.lang (26 - This page confirms that your payment has been recorded. Thank you.) |
69 | YourPaymentHasNotBeenRecorded | paybox.lang (26 - You payment has not been recorded and transaction has been canceled. Thank you.) stripe.lang (27 - You payment has not been recorded and transaction has been canceled. Thank you.) |
70 | AccountParameter | paybox.lang (27 - Account parameters) stripe.lang (28 - Account parameters) |
71 | UsageParameter | paybox.lang (28 - Usage parameters) stripe.lang (29 - Usage parameters) |
72 | InformationToFindParameters | paybox.lang (29 - Help to find your %s account information) stripe.lang (30 - Help to find your %s account information) |
73 | VendorName | paybox.lang (31 - Name of vendor) stripe.lang (32 - Name of vendor) |
74 | CSSUrlForPaymentForm | paybox.lang (32 - CSS style sheet url for payment form) stripe.lang (33 - CSS style sheet url for payment form) |
75 | MessageOK | paybox.lang (33 - Message on validated payment return page) stripe.lang (34 - Message on validated payment return page) |
76 | MessageKO | paybox.lang (34 - Message on canceled payment return page) stripe.lang (35 - Message on canceled payment return page) |
77 | Stock | products.lang (41 - Stock) stocks.lang (16 - Stock) |
78 | Stocks | products.lang (42 - Stocks) stocks.lang (17 - Stocks) |
79 | Movements | products.lang (43 - Movements) stocks.lang (21 - Movements) |
80 | Suppliers | products.lang (76 - Suppliers) suppliers.lang (2 - Suppliers) |
81 | ListOfStockMovements | products.lang (83 - List of stock movements) stocks.lang (24 - List of stock movements) |
82 | Unit | products.lang (159 - Unit) stocks.lang (35 - Unit) |